Table of Contents
Prevent actions Pivot Table ( Pivot Table Task Pane )
When working with pivot tables, there is a task pane that is used to add or remove fields to different areas of the table. Here is a list of Pivot Table Fields and this article will share with you three tips to help you use it more effectively.( time-saving tips)
- Prevent actions Pivot Table ( Pivot Table Task Pane )
Tip # 1: Change the layout of the list of schools
The first tip involves modifying the pane layout. The default layout of this pane is as shown above, with the fields listed above and the areas below. But the layout can be changed to a few other configurations. To change the layout, just click the settings drop-down menu. It’s the button with the gear icon on it.(Read more : Split delimiters into rows)
- Change the layout of the list of schools
Of the alternative layouts offered, the side-by-side field and the area layout is arguably the easiest to manipulate and observe. That’s because it allows multiple fields to be displayed as a list without scrolling, which is really helpful when there are multiple fields to choose from.(Read more : compare two columns in Excel)
- Change the layout of the list of schools
This layout is also useful when you are using Power Pivot. Other less common, but still useful layout options, are fields only, areas only, and stacked areas only.(Read more : Excel Charts and Graphs)
More features in the Settings menu
In addition to changing the layout of the pane, the settings menu also allows you to do a few other things:
1. If you are using Power Pivot, you can collapse and expand the table fields.
2. You can sort the fields alphabetically .
3. You can sort by data source order . (These will be the columns in your dataset, left to right).
- More features in the Settings menu
Tip #2: Unlock and move the field list
By default, the field list is appended to the right side of your worksheet. But you can move it. Hover the pointer near the header of the pane until it turns into diagonal arrows . Then left click and drag the pane to your desired position.
- Unlock and move the field list
Now you can resize it as you like. You can also snap the frame to the left side of the sheet. If the pane is freed, you can double-click the top to instantly reattach it on any side.
- Unlock and move the field list
Another feature to note is that you can move the pane completely away from the app if you have multiple monitors. For example, you might have a worksheet on one monitor and a list of fields on another.(Read more : Code to count views)
Tip #3: Reopen the field list when closed
Sometimes you can accidentally create a Pivot Table Fields list disappear. Or you may intentionally close it but don’t know how to reopen it. If you closed the window, clicking anywhere in the pivot table will NOT bring it back. Instead, you can reopen it in one of two ways:
1. Right click on the pivot table and then select Show Field List .
- Select Show Field List
2. Click the Field List button on the PivotTable Analyze or Options tab .
- Click the Field List button
Bonus: Manage multiple task panes
Another tip mentioned is about the concern of having multiple task panes open simultaneously. In the image below you can see that the Format Chart Area task pane is open and it has obscured the Pivot Table Fields pane .
- Manage multiple task panes
To navigate between the two icons, click the vertically aligned icons on the right side of the pane. The top icon indicates the Pivot Chart Fields pane, and the bottom icon indicates the Format Chart Area pane . If more panes are open, they will appear below them as vertical tabs.
Source: www.excelcampus.com
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